Privatordination Professor Shariat

Prof. Dr. Shariat heads the University Clinic for Urology at the Vienna General Hospital. Since 2013, he has been treating and operating on patients with special problems and also severe, complex diseases.

Shariat receives twice a week in his private surgery for a precise, individual consultation. He works according to the latest state of knowledge and guidelines and together with the patients he searches for the best solutions for their diseases.

Shahrokh F. Shariat speaks fluent German, English, French, Spanish and Persian.
For private patients, surgical operations are also carried out in the Döbling Private Clinic in order to be able to meet all wishes.

Here you will find patient information on some diagnoses:


Curvature of the penis –
Erectile dysfunction – Male breast growth –
Urethral constrictions – Sterilization of man – Refertilization – Disturbance of the male hormone balance – Varicose vein formation in the area of the testicular veins

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Blasenkrebs Definition: Bei Blasenkrebs handelt es sich um eine Krebsform, die in der Harnblase entsteht. Die Harnblase ist ein ballonförmiges Organ in Ihrem Beckenbereich, das

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Harnsteinleiden – Urolithiasis:  Wie entstehen Nieren, – Harnleitersteine? Harnsteine sind Ablagerungen in den Nierengängen oder ableitenden Harnwegen. Sie entstehen durch Übersättigung und Kristallisierung von Mineralien

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Hodenkrebs Definition: Hodenkrebs betrifft die Hoden des Mannes, welche sich innerhalb des Hodensacks (Haut- und Muskelsack unterhalb des Penis) befinden. In den Hoden werden die

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Nierenkrebs Definition:  Nierenkrebs ist eine Krebsart, die in den Nieren entsteht. Ihre Nieren sind zwei bohnenförmige, in etwa faustgroße Organe. Sie befinden sich hinter den

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Prostatakrebs:  Bei Prostatakrebs handelt es sich um eine bösartige Erkrankung der männlichen Prostata – einer kleinen wallnussförmigen Drüse, die Samenflüssigkeit produziert, welche den Spermien als

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Prof. Dr. med. univ. Shahrokh Shariat

Some of the most promising results, both in terms of drug and surgical management, are now being achieved in the treatment of urological tumours. About 30% of all tumor diseases fall into the urological field. As Full Professor at the Medical University of Vienna and Primarius of the University Clinic for Urology at the AKH Vienna, he is considered the highest authority in his field. Prof. Shariat is an expert in the field of oncological urology and also deals with complex questions regarding all urological cancers:

– Urothelial carcinomas (bladder cancer, renal pelvic carcinoma,
– ureteral carcinoma, urethral carcinoma)
– Prostate carcinomas
– Penis and testicular cancer
– Renal carcinomas

In addition, he is an expert in state-of-the-art surgical methods for benign prostate enlargement and kidney stones.

As the head of the clinic, Prof. Shariat has a unique combination of interdisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities with the use of the most modern medical and technical procedures, some of which are only available in studies. His treatment spectrum ranges from individual diagnostics, holistic assessment and treatment to surgical procedures and state-of-the-art therapies. As a member of expert committees, he has his finger on the pulse of the times and is himself an important contributor to the latest specialist literature.

Shariats goal is to find the optimal strategy for his patients. He is committed to maintaining the quality of life – even in the most difficult cases – for example through organ-preserving surgical techniques. He also wants to offer an optimized oncological therapy that focuses on the wishes and needs of the patients. He is happy to take enough time in his private practice for a second or third opinion. The more you trust your doctor, the more effective the therapy will be. Shariat helps you to actively tackle your treatment with self-confidence. Discussions and information can be helpful here.


Modern diagnosis
– Endorectal MRT and MR spectroscopy
– MR-assisted prostate biopsy
– Flourescence Cystoscopy

Observation – Individual therapies
– Active-Surveillance
– Focal therapy within studies
– Innovative therapies within clinical studies
– Patient-related and individually optimized therapy

– Chemotherapy and combination therapies, immunotherapy
– Systemic chemotherapy, molecular therapy of metastatic urological tumours
– Cryotherapy and metastatic surgery
– Drug-induced tumour therapy
– Instillation therapies with or without hyperthermia
– Highly intensified focused ultrasound (HiFu)

– En-Bloc resection (HybridKnife or Laser)
– Transuretheral resection of the bladder (TUR-B) with modern forms of energy
– Resection of renal tumors with cavathromboembolism

Organ preserving surgical techniques
– Organ preserving enucleation resection of kidney tumours
– Organ preserving tumor nucleation in testicular tumors

Radical surgical techniques
– Radical prostatectomy (complete removal of the prostate gland; open surgery or laparoscopic using daVinci robots)
– Radical salvage prostatectomy after radiotherapy
– Radical nerve-sparing cystectomy for men and women
– Radical prostate-sparing cystectomy
– Radical tumor nephrectomy
– Radical nephroureterectomy
– Retroperitoneal postchemotherapeutic lymphadenectomy for testicular tumors
– Bladder replacement (ileum conduit, pouch, neobladder)

Reconstructive Urology

– Penis enhancement plastics
– Pediatric Urology Surgery
– Urethral surgery including oral mucosa plastics
– ureter-ilium interponate, ureteral prosthesis
– Cavernous body implants for erectile dysfunction
– Artificial sphincter for incontinence
– Microsurgery

Endoscopic Therapy

– Transurethral bipolar plasma vaporization of the prostate
– Transurethral laser ablation of the prostate
– Endoscopic stone fragmentation by laser (URS, PCNL)
– External shock waves (lithotripsy)
– Laparoscopic and retroperitoneoscopic surgical techniques